On December 8, the FIRST LEGO League (FLL) Northern Indiana State Championship will be held at Purdue University Fort Wayne. 48 teams from across the state are vying for the Champion’s Trophy and will be competing in four areas: robot challenge, robot design, project, and core values. The winner will get an invitation to compete at the FLL World Festival being held in Detroit on April 24-27. This year’s challenge is titled Into Orbit and asks teams to focus on the issues faced while living and working in space.
As we have in years past, FortLUG will be sending some volunteers to help. Ed Dewitt will be a Judge Advisor, Luke Schutt and Tyler Strampp will be Design Judges, and Kathy Becktell has volunteered for whatever position is needed. A live stream of the event will be available from the link below. Good luck to all teams!